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Upstate Peloton
Cycling Club

Information for new cyclists - Version History

This page tracks major content changes for the New cyclist FAQ.
Version 1.23
Date: 2/21/2025
  1. general accessory product review/update; added a "other" column; broke out water bottles/cages
  2. quick review and other minor edits
Version 1.22
Date: 5/2/2024
  1. Amazon images no longer work on accessories; replace with links :(
  2. general accessory product review/update
  3. strava price increase
  4. quick review and other minor edits
Version 1.21
Date: 9/8/2022
  1. add tubeless sealant accessory, change base tubeless repair kit accessory/text
  2. add better water bottle/cage option
  3. other misc accessory revisions
  4. added a tip to wrap metal things in old inner tube
Version 1.20
Date: 5/22/2022
  1. updated accessories (tubes) to new link which has size options
  2. add "rust" as something to look for on used bikes
  3. add some more events
  4. numerous other tweaks
Version 1.19
Date: 1/16/2022
  1. added "better" option in accessories for a few items and performed general updates here
  2. Strava live location sharing is now free & I know how RWGPS sharing works
  3. numerous other tweaks
Version 1.18
Date: 4/30/2021
  1. numerous wording changes to accessories, added reference to chamois cream
  2. added numerous maintenance videos
Version 1.17
Date: 4/15/2021
  1. added maintenance section
  2. misc tweaks
Version 1.16
Date: 1/18/2021
  1. added tire boot accessory
  2. added weight as a feature
  3. added Capital NY Bike Map
  4. misc tweaks
Version 1.15
Date: 7/9/2020
  1. Added GCN video for Women's specific design (WSD) bikes
  2. Added GCN video for route planning
  3. misc tweaks
Version 1.14
Date: 5/19/2020
  1. changes to strava free features
  2. added cycle the erie canal
Version 1.13
Date: 5/15/2020
  1. added a link on tire pressure
  2. add bike to work event
  3. different light set
  4. all external links open in a new tab
  5. misc wording tweaks
Version 1.12
Date: 5/10/2020
  1. reorganized 'ACCESSORIES' section and included examples/link to amazon
  2. restructure expand/collapse to rely on JavaScript - add expand/collapse all buttons
  3. merged 'WHERE2RIDE' into 'PLANLOG' section
  4. added how to ride faster
Version 1.11
Date: 5/7/2020
  1. started tracking versions
  2. Added 'OLDBIKE' section
  3. re-organized 'PLANLOG' to include limited feature comparison
  4. remove misc MTB references throughout the page
Version 1.10
Date: 4/27/2020
  1. started tracking versions
  2. Added bicycling.com link for buying walmart bikes
Version 1.00
Date: 2/20/2020
  1. initial versions