Version 1.22
Date: 5/2/2024
- Amazon images no longer work on accessories; replace with links :(
- general accessory product review/update
- strava price increase
- quick review and other minor edits
Version 1.21
Date: 9/8/2022
- add tubeless sealant accessory, change base tubeless repair kit accessory/text
- add better water bottle/cage option
- other misc accessory revisions
- added a tip to wrap metal things in old inner tube
Version 1.20
Date: 5/22/2022
- updated accessories (tubes) to new link which has size options
- add "rust" as something to look for on used bikes
- add some more events
- numerous other tweaks
Version 1.19
Date: 1/16/2022
- added "better" option in accessories for a few items and performed general updates here
- Strava live location sharing is now free & I know how RWGPS sharing works
- numerous other tweaks
Version 1.18
Date: 4/30/2021
- numerous wording changes to accessories, added reference to chamois cream
- added numerous maintenance videos
Version 1.17
Date: 4/15/2021
- added maintenance section
- misc tweaks
Version 1.16
Date: 1/18/2021
- added tire boot accessory
- added weight as a feature
- added Capital NY Bike Map
- misc tweaks
Version 1.15
Date: 7/9/2020
- Added GCN video for Women's specific design (WSD) bikes
- Added GCN video for route planning
- misc tweaks
Version 1.14
Date: 5/19/2020
- changes to strava free features
- added cycle the erie canal
Version 1.13
Date: 5/15/2020
- added a link on tire pressure
- add bike to work event
- different light set
- all external links open in a new tab
- misc wording tweaks
Version 1.12
Date: 5/10/2020
- reorganized 'ACCESSORIES' section and included examples/link to amazon
- restructure expand/collapse to rely on JavaScript - add expand/collapse all buttons
- merged 'WHERE2RIDE' into 'PLANLOG' section
- added how to ride faster
Version 1.11
Date: 5/7/2020
- started tracking versions
- Added 'OLDBIKE' section
- re-organized 'PLANLOG' to include limited feature comparison
- remove misc MTB references throughout the page
Version 1.10
Date: 4/27/2020
- started tracking versions
- Added link for buying walmart bikes
Version 1.00
Date: 2/20/2020
- initial versions